The Station is turning 28 years old today! A big thanks to all the volunteers throughout the years who have helped shape CJAM as the only sound alternative in Windsor and Detroit. Thank you to the many different staff members (full-time, part-time and student), who have organized the chaos and kept us moving forward. And most importantly, thank you to our listeners who have tuned in and supported us for almost three decades.
Pledge Drive may be officially over, but if you’d like to give us a birthday gift, you can always pledge online at If you’ve pledged already, come down to the station, pay your pledge and pick up your awesome swag! We’re in the basement of the CAW Student Centre at the University of Windsor.
From 1983 to 2011 and beyond, thanks for listening to CJAM 99.1fm!
Every time you tune in at 99.1 FM you’re hearing a volunteer on the air. Volunteers also help by maintaining our enormous music library, writing radio scrips, producing public service announcements, interviewing cool artists, reviewing music, helping out at festivals & events, updating our social media, and so much more!
Volunteer Now