National Day of Prayer Programming

National Day of Prayer: #HonourTheApology is Thursday, July 25th. This day is calling on the federal government to release all documents pertaining to the residential schools in Canada immediately. Vigils, ceremonies, and other events spreading awareness will be happening all over the country. These stories need to be heard and these children need to be honoured.

CJAM will be participating in the National Day of Prayer by airing special programming on the legacy of Indian Residential Schools. At 12PM on the 25th, tune in for original CJAM programming by Anishinaabe Pays Plat First Nation activist and author Andrea Landry about her grandfather’s experience in residential schools.

Then at 12:30PM, we will be airing Janet Rogers’ radio documentary ‘The Effects of Indian Residential Schools’ from CFUV in Victoria, BC. Janet Rogers (Mohawk/Tuscarora) was born in Vancouver and is from the Six Nations of the Grand River. She is a writer, poet and performer who currently hosts Native Waves Radio, Vancouver Island’s only Indigenous radio show.

The programming on Thursday is from the Resonating Reconciliation Project from the NCRA which engages community radio as a way for all Canadians to address the legacy of Indian Residential School.

Go to Facebook to learn more about the National Day of Prayer.

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